Where can I find the SWMLS Rules & Regulations?
Read up on the Rules and Regulations here.

What should I know about my Real Estate License?
Check out the NMREC Laws & Rules here.

Where do I find a copy of the Broker's Policies and Procedures Manual?
 You can find the manuel for The M Group's Policies and Procedures here.

Where do I enter my leads?
You can enter your new leads in your FollowUp Boss CRM. If you don't get leads from The M Group and would like to, contact Roselynn at roselynn@mregrp.com.

Where do I find additional FollowUp Boss / Ylopo Training Materials?
You can find additional training here.

Where does The M Group ask you to save your files?
Please save your files at agent.skyslope.com

What is the process for collecting my commission after closing a deal?
Once your file has been completed in SkySlope it will take up to 48 hours for a final review from our administrative staff in order to approve your commission to be released for payment. For further questions please email admin@mregrp.com.

Where do I find the most current Commission Adjustment Authorization Form (CAAF)?
Learn more about CAAF Form & Training here!

Where can I schedule an open house?
Schedule your open houses here at themgroup.info!

Where do I request signs, pictures, and more for my new listing?
You can order your signs and new pictures at themgroup.info.

Where can I order marketing material for my listings, open houses, social media, etc.?
You can order all your personalized marketing here!

Where can I find information on upcoming training and events for The M Group?
Check out our calendar to attend the next M Group event.

How do I set up my Ring Central app?
Ring Central App Instructions

How do I set up my Email Signature?
Email Signature Instructions

Where can I purchase M Group Swag?
Head over to The M Group Store to purchase any and all M Group Swag.

How can I get an M Group logo to use for my personal marketing?
You can get an M Group logo here! If you would like a more personalized logo, contact Arturo at arturo@mregrp.com or Yassmine at yassmine@mregrp.com.

How do I find my gifs on social media?
In your social media platforms, look up @The_M_Real_Estate_Group or #TheMGroup to find all the gifs. You can also search #TheMGroup[YourName] to find your personalized gifs. Check out this tutorial to help you find your gifs on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. If you are still having trouble, contact Yassmine at yassmine@mregrp.com.

What are The M Group Social Media Guidelines?
Click here to read up on our Social Media Guidelines.

Where do I find a list of Utility Companies for the surrounding areas?
Utility & Service Provider Contact Information
Important Phone Numbers - City of Albuquerque

How do I pay my dues at GAAR?
Log into your SWMLS/GAAR Account and click on Account Balance.

How do I renew my license?
All renewals are completed online now through the NMREC! Visit the NMREC website to gain access to your new online portal for renewals. The NMREC has instructions and tutorials on renewal, as well as how to access your online portal.

What are the continuing education requirements for license renewal?
NMREC Renewal Continuing Education Requirements

How do I set up a drip automation on SWMLS?
Check out this Tutorial to learn how!

What are PIDs?
PIDs can be refered to a Public Improvement District or a Property Identification Number. for more info, go to GAAR.com/pids.

What is the current gross receipts tax rate for the counties in New Mexico?
GRT Rate Schedule

How do I find the current NMGRT Code for a location?
Go to the NMGRT Location Code Finder Website and search the address. When found, click on the location for the NMGRT Code.

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